Annual General Meeting of Cycle Club Bexley 9th January 2019 at Horton Kirby Cricket Club Commencing at 20:00
1, Welcome and Apologies for absence.
2, Approval of Minutes from 2018 Annual General Meeting.
3, Matters arising from minutes.
4, Retiring Committee reports:-
Chairman – Mark Vowells.
General Secretary – Gary Grayland.
Treasurer – Richard Boxall.
Racing Secretary – Ken Gardner.
Social Secretary – Debbie Boxall.
Magazine Editor/Clothing Secretary – Murray Spencer.
Web Master-Paul Blacker.
Committee Members – All those present.
5, Election of new committee:-
Chairman. General Secretary. Treasurer.
Racing Secretary. Social Secretary. Magazine Editor.
Web Master. Clothing Secretary. Welfare Officer.
Committee members.
6, Election of Auditors.
7, Proposals:-
8, Club Championships:-
10 mile 25 Mile 50 Mile
100 Mile 12 Hour Hill Climb
Evening 10’s
9, Any Other Business.
Members are advised that anything can be discussed under this item, but NO propositions can be voted on unless presented in writing 14 days before the meeting i.e. 26th December 2018.
Minutes of AGM Cycle Club Bexley
Held on 11th January 2017
At Horton Kirby Cricket Club.
17 Members present. Apologies for absence from Paul Bailey.
Minutes of previous meeting approved. Proposed Brian Heasman, seconded Debbie Boxall. Voted Unanimously.
There were no matters arising.
Retiring Committee Reports.
All Reports were proposed and voted as a whole when completed.
Chairman: Mark Vowells thanked all members and volunteers. He also thanked Richard and Debbie Boxall for hosting the club committee meetings.
General Secretary: Gary Grayland thanked all the volunteers who have assisted in running all the club events making them safe and enjoyable, specially the ‘Tea ladies’. He also stated that if any member wishes to view any of the clubs committee meeting minutes or official communications to contact him directly, copies can be supplied.
Treasurer: Richard Boxall circulated the accounts which showed a loss of £680 over the year, this was due to the amount of ‘one off’ expenses. These included the setting up fee for the new clothing supplier and the 50th celebration mugs. Full accounts were distributed. There were 53 paid up members for the past year to date, more to be added as they joined after accounts closed.
To reduce the loss of the pass year the £1 attendance fee for attending the HKCC in the ‘summer months to be reintroduced.
The accounts were audited by Debra Goodchild.
Racing Secretary: Ken Gardner said last season’s events went well with no major dramas apart from the accident during the club open 10.
We had 15 different clubs attend the club evening 10’s with various PB’ recorded at various open events. Well done all!
Social Secretary Debbie Boxall said the club had a good social year. The Dinner/presentation at the ‘Clock tower pavilion’ was as ever a good evening, enjoyed by all. Another great summer BBQ, with thanks extended to the two ‘Chefs’ Andy Efford and Mick Morris. The Christmas social this year was held at the Rising Sun PH in Fawkham, was well attended and enjoyed by all. It was felt that the area used was too small for the numbers attending, enquiries will be made about the viability of using the restaurant area next time.
The 50th annual dinner has been organised to take place at the ‘Black Prince’ Hotel in Bexley (Holiday inn). A discount has been achieved for the event and the ‘DJ’ booked. A discount has been sought for rooms to stay overnight at the hotel, this available if we book more than 10 rooms.
Debbie concluded by thanking all the helpers at the club events, the ‘Tea Ladies’!!.
Magazine Editor :Murray Spencer asked if anyone had any editorial they wished to have published in the Magazine to contact him, all welcome to contribute. 60 copies of each Magazine were sent out to members, the feedback is that it keeps all club members engaged.
The Club Facebook page has 180 followers to date, which has contributed to 6 or 7 new members joining.
Web Master: ‘All Pauls work’ was the quote from Murray about the new club Web page/design!!!!
Paul is hoping to have membership reminders/renewals through the site soon. Access to the clubs new clothing supplier is available through the site.
Committee Members: Nothing to report.
The above reports were proposed by Paul Blacker and seconded by Tom Wakefield.
Election of the committee for 2016:
Chairman – Mark Vowells. Proposed: Mick Morris.
Seconded: Debbie Boxall.
General Secretary – Gary Grayland. Proposed: Murray Spencer.
Seconded: Richard Boxall.
Social Secretary – Debbie Boxall. Proposed: Gary Grayland.
Seconded: Mick Morris.
Treasurer – Richard Boxall. Proposed: Paul Blacker.
Seconded: Murray Spencer.
Racing Secretary – Ken Gardner. Proposed: Richard Boxall
Seconded: Tom Wakefield.
Magazine Editor – Murray Spencer. Proposed: Debbie Boxall.
Seconded: John ‘1066’ Hastings.
Web Master: Paul Blacker. Proposed: Murray Spencer.
Seconded: Ken Gardner.
Committee Members: Tom Wakefield Proposed: Jo Hovenden.
Seconded: Mick Morris.
Auditor – Debbie Goodchild. Proposed: Paul Blacker.
Seconded: Murray Spencer
The above committee member proposals were all voted in favour unanimously by all members present.
A: To introduce a joining fee for new members. This would match the subscription fee for the type of Full member £12 plus £12 joining fee totalling £24, Social Member £8 plus £8 joining fee totalling £16 and junior members £8 plus £8 joining fee totalling £16. The joining fee will also apply to existing members who do not renew their membership by 31st march of the year in question. Membership subscriptions are due from 1st January.
This proposal was discussed at length with some members concerned that it would deter new members from joining due to the increased cost. It was felt that the members ‘forgetting’ to pay their subscriptions would be dealt with by the introduction of a membership secretary as in proposal B and the new web site facilities being set up.
The proposal was voted on, the results were:
3 For
9 Against
5 No Vote
The proposal was rejected.
B: Introduce a Membership secretary
The proposal was discussed and voted on with a unanimous vote.
Ken Gardner volunteered to take on the role. Proposed : Paul Blacker.
Seconded :Murray Spencer.
C: Introduce a Clothing Secretary. This role was fulfilled by Mick Morris who wishes to put more of his time into racing this season so wishes to hand these duties over to another club member. The role will involve liaising with the new supplier IMP sport and be the club contact for their enquiries.
The voting for this proposition was: 1 against
16 For
Murray Spencer volunteered for the position. Proposed : Paul Blacker
Seconded: Debbie Boxall
16 members voted for and 1 no vote.
Club Championships 2016:
10 Miles – ?? July on Q10/26 Club evening 10 event.
25 Miles –18th June Q25/8 VTTA event
50 miles –4th June Q50/11 KCA event
100 Miles –11th June Q100 KCA event
12 hour - 25th June Q12 KCA event
Hill Climb – ?? August QH/5 Stanstead
Evening 10’s 13th April to 10th August
Open 10 – 7th May on Q10/24 Richard Boxall promoting.
Triathlon: 23rd July East Essex Tri event at Grays Essex.
Brian Heasman informed the members that he is no longer able to look after the clubs BBQ after the next event. Paul Blacker has offered to adopt it after then. Paul was thanked.
John Hastings thanked the committee members for all their work. He said he would like to see younger members taking on the role of marshalling the evening 10’s.
John McFall asked if the club has any ambition in organising rides which take the members to other parts of the country and beyond. He said he would be willing to organise something for the future. This was welcomed by those present.
Mark Vowells thanked everybody for attending the evening and closed the meeting at 21:40