CC Bexley Osbornes Grays Triathlon

Osborne’s Grays Triathlon

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East Essex Triathlon Club will once again be hosting the Wilkins Kennedy Grays Triathlon.

The race, now in its 20th year, is an ideal Triathlon for new and experienced Triathletes. The bike course around Grays and Orsett is relatively flat and the run course around the Blackshots park and neighbouring rugby pitch is a traffic free course which is mostly flat but with one small rise at the start of each lap.

Every year we see experienced athletes from across the Eastern region return to beat their previous times. We also see many novice triathletes, who choose the Grays Tri as their first or second race because of the friendly atmosphere and excellent organisation. All our marshals and organizers are triathletes and family members and they all know and understand what it’s like to compete in a triathlon for the first time – so they are all full of encouragement and friendly smiles as you complete the course.

The event is a 'Sprint' Triathlon and comprises of:

  • Swim: 400m (12 lengths of a 33m pool)
  • Bike: 20k (Road course - *helmets are compulsory*)
  • Run: 5k (grass & park trail)

This event is open to Adult & Youth competitors (aged 15+ on 31st December 2018)

Entry fee: £35 (£3 returned on day to those with British Triathlon Race License)

Withdrawals will be accepted up to 30th June 2020 with entry fee refunded less £5 admin charge.

Registration will open from approx 6am on the morning of the race and the first person will start at 7am.

Prizes will be presented once the last competitor has finished.

Results will be available online later the same day.

More details

The event location is: Blackshots Leisure Centre, Blackshots Lane, Grays, Essex RM16 2JU

The Swim consists of 12 lengths of the 33 meter pool at Blackshots – swam in a snake like fashion, starting at one end of the pool and continuing under the ropes to the next lane at the end of each 2 lengths. Then is a quick exit from the pool to the numbered transition area, directly outside the pool. (Note: this year we will introduce a clear transition policy to give everyone plenty of space. We’ll provide a storage area, away from transition to store your belongings but we won’t allow any bags etc in transition).

The Bike section is 2 laps of pretty flat riding. There are 3 slight rises on the old A13 before you enter Orsett village and head back to Blackshots. A map of the bike lap is available here: Wilkins Kennedy Grays Triathlon Bike Route

The Run section is also 2 laps of a grass circuit, which takes in the grounds of Blackshots park and a neighbouring rugby pitch. (A map of the run lap is available here: Wilkins Kennedy Grays Triathlon Run Route

They have a prize giving ceremony, usually within a half hour of the last person finishing and the organizers pride themselves of making the results available online within a couple of hours of the race completing (the results will probably be online before you are even home after finishing!!)

If you have any queries, comments or suggestions, regarding the event, please feel free to contact the club at and they will be only too pleased to help.

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13 Jul 2025


6:30 am - 3:00 pm




Grays Triathlon


Murray Spencer
More Information HERE

Contact CC Bexley here

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